Tuesday, July 29

5 Reasons You Can't Vote McCain 2008

If you're reading this, and you're in the top 1% of earners in America, totally disregard everything I say. How could you NOT vote for McCain?? For everyone else, here are some less than impressive tidbits on Mr. POW.

1. McCain worships Reaganomics. [Trickle down economics]

In the eight years of reign by big Dubya, 75% of America's economic growth has gone to line the pockets and deck out the private jet bathrooms of the top 1% of the income bracket. McCain consigns to the typical Republican recipe to spur growth: tax cuts. Putting aside the exaggerated rhetoric of the dueling campaigns, the Federal government's take of the GDP will be approximately 17.6% under McCain and 18.3% under Obama. A relatively paltry difference. More significant is where that 18-ish percent of the GDP comes from, and where it goes. McCain favors cutting the corporate income tax, and eliminating the Alternative Minimum Tax, which has historically prevented wealthier Americans from avoiding taxes. Thus, lower tax liability in the upper echelon, with the theory that this extra money will trickle down to the masses in the form of wage increases, et cetera. However, this extra money, especially in the era of globalization, rarely trickles down to lower income Americans. Instead, it is invested overseas or payed out to wealthy stockholders in the form of dividends.

For the 98% of Americans that make under $250,000 dollars, Obama's tax policy will provide far more savings.

2. McCain has vowed to appoint only pro-lifers in his judicial appointments.

John McCain has stated that his judicial appointments will be subject to a single-issue litmus test: abortion. In a 2005 article in the New Yorker, a powerful pro-life advocate said:

"I wanted a commitment from ... John McCain that if elected he would appoint pro-life judges to the Supreme Court. McCain, in private, assured me he would appoint pro-life judges."

A single issue stance on judicial appointments is closed-minded and dangerous. Essentially, John McCain has promised many well-qualified people that they will be categorically disregarded on the basis of their views on abortion. For everyone but the unborn children, shouldn't we be more concerned with a judge's impartiality and academic qualifications?

3. McCain wants free elections in Iraq, but disregards the Iraqis' basic needs.

McCain, following in Bush's footsteps, will bolster nation building policies aimed towards more free elections. However, this strategy is naive and has clearly failed. Sure, Iraqis with purple ink on their fingers voting for their next leader sounds great. But, it is ultimately only a semblance of democracy. Without focusing on basic human needs: security, education, basic infrastructure, and food, no 'free election' will accomplish anything.

Obama's foreign policy will focus on organic, incremental change and humanitarian efforts as a stepping stone to building the foundation for new successful democracies. Placating the American public with news of more elections in Iraq and Afghanistan simply doesn't cut it.

4. McCain is OLD!

This isn't as bad as it sounds. McCain is still answerable to an antiquated moral framework that discriminates and marginalizes. For example, McCain was absolutely baffled when asked if he thought it was reasonable that Medicare covers Viagra, but not birth control. Reasonable, intelligent, and utilitarian decision making can't happen at the hands of someone who is so constrained by his ultra conservative 'family values' base, that he can't even take a stance on the availability of birth control. Raging, 4 hour erections are a different story.

5. McCain will drastically cut valuable social programs, but still deficit spend.

Some programs that McCain pledges to eliminate:

Head Start funding for 340,000 kids

Pell Grants for 1.6 million college students (universities are for poor kids, too??)

Title 1 School Funding

WIC assistance which includes nutritional foods, nutrition education, and health screenings for 3.4 million low-income parents and children

But, don't worry, kids. Defense spending will see no cuts under McCain's iron fist.

Monday, July 28

Smoking By Yourself?

This is my first foray into the blogosphere. It will be poignant, relevant, and...I'm full of shit.

It is a longer story for a longer time, but a brief version prefaces the dilemma I face. I am currently in a program that includes random drug testing. Thus, I am unable to indulge in black tar heroin, crack [whores], cannabis (indica and sativa strains!), and alcohol. As a result, I have had to become creative in finding new permissible self-destructive vices.

Speaking of which, I bought a hookah the other day. As with any new purchase, my shiny, black, new tobacco water pipe is delightfully novel. So, as I sit here listening to Futurehead's self-titled album, and chatting on AIM...I succumbed to my prominently displayed, enticing new vice.

So, after lighting the coal and packing the molasses drenched apple flavoured tobacco into my new 'bowl'...I am sitting here, alone, smoking. Puff after puff, I become increasingly dizzy. Dizzy with self-doubt. Smoking hookah by myself? Exactly how shameful is this? I will cease and desist and ponder this inquiry. Good night.