Wednesday, June 15


What does it mean to be inside or outside a person? If we keep our emotions bottled up, we should seek therapy, open up, release our pent up feelings. What could possibly demarcate the boundary between that which is contained or pent up and that which is released? Disclosure to another. We disclose our feelings to release our feelings. Why such reliance on others? Without others, there is no release. Socialization is a prerequisite condition of healthy living. If disclosure perhaps represents some admirable higher self-awareness, then we shall admire it. But, the locus of disclosure need not be the other! Prayer is perhaps a close approximation of self-disclosure, only then with an alternatively feigned or genuine belief that the true platform of disclosure is some providential Higher Platform that you most certainly cannot understand. This imagined wireless connection with God disillusions the faithful, by placating them with the idea that their disclosure is indeed social. The release takes place. Amen. Prayer is self-disclosure masquerading as real socialization. A true palliative for a true man of God.