Sunday, October 4

Post Cereal in Asia...

I worked for Ralcorp Holdings this summer and Post Cereal is one of their recent acquisitions. It is fun to see my summer office's address (800 Market Street, Saint Louis, MO) on cereal boxes in random Chinese grocery stores.

Today, I encountered what I consider to be an egregious failure in custom-tailoring cereal boxes to the region in which they are sold. They are pulling at the heart strings of the burgeoning wealthy at the local discount grocery stores by imploring: Let's Feed America Together!


  1. What part of Asia are you currently in, and how well does the average person speak English?

  2. I should be more specific. This was in a discount Hong Kong grocery store. SOME people speak at a low rate of fluency, whereas most of the people patronizing the store probably spoke just a shred of English.

    Most of the labeling is in Chinese, so people might just buy this cereal because of the picture/English words.
